Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Python Class 103 - Kapil Sharma
Function Creation:
>>> def functionName1():>>> print("Kapil")
>>> functionName1()
>>> Kapil
To create a python function 'def' word needs to be pre-fix in front of user function name end by"():"
Users can also create functions like this way:
>>> def functionName2(Message):
>>> print(Message)
>>> functionName2("This is my message!")
>>> This is my message!
>>> print(Message)
>>> functionName3()
>>> My message.
>>> def addVal1(Val1, Val2):
>>> print(Val1, "+" Val2, "=",(Va1 + Val2))
>>> addVal1(3,2) #User add the value 3,2
>>> 5 #Python IDE result is 5
>>> def addVal2(Val1, Val2):
>>> return Val1 + Val2
>>> print("2 + 3 equals to 4 + 1 is ", (addVal2(2,3) == addVal2(4,1)))
>>> 2 + 3 equals to 4 + 1 is True #Python IDE result is 5 equal 5 True.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Python Class 102 - Kapil Sharma
Number Types In Python:
Integers: They are whole/natural numbers with +/- number range.e.g: -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3
Floating Values: Numbers with decimal values.
e.g: 7.77
Complex Values: Real numbers + Imaginary numbers.
e.g: 7 + 7XY
Boolean Values: 0 OR 1 #True OR False
Note: To find type of any number:
>>> myValue = 5 #User enter a variable value.
>>> type(myValue) #Than user search for variable type.
Operators In Python:
Unary (+,-,~)
Arithmetic (+,-,*,/,%,//,**)
Relational (==,!=,>,<,>=,<=)
Logical (and, not, or)
Bitwise (&,|,^,~,<<,>>)
Assignment (=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,**=,//=)
Membership (In, not in)
Identity (Is, is not)
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